Profil du prestataire r.ramahefy

Informations générales sur le prestataire r.ramahefy

Nickname : r.ramahefy
Date inscription : 16/07/2020
Dernière fois en ligne : 04/11/2022
Classement : classé 1 569ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire r.ramahefy

Domaines de compétence

-         Deep knowledge on Infor EAM product – functionalities and administration

-         Deep knowledge on Web development: PHP, batch, C ++, VBS and VB, javascript, jQuery, Ajax, XSLT, XML, xQuery, CSS2, CSS3, HTML, HTML5

-         Deep knowledge of handling SQL, PL/SQL, MySQL queries

-         Strong knowledge on LAMP environment (Linux, Apache, Mysql, PHP)

-         Strong knowledge in network and system administration

-         Strong knowledge on object oriented programming

-         Knowledge on electronic automatic, power electronics, photoelectronic

Expérience professionnelle
  • Feb 2019 – May 2020 : IT Technical Subject Matter Expert at Ambatovy S.A
    • Functionalities comparison between ABB Ellipse EAM and Infor EAM using radar chart and heat map
    • Active participation on Ambatovy revitalization program to have full integrated ERP using Infor Suite
    • Business requirement  identification  with business subject matter expert for asset management in Ambatovy (heavy asset mining company +120 000 asset with maintenance strategy )
    • Interface between Infor EAM consultants and Ambatovy
    • Challenge Infor EAM consultants to have validated scoping document during revitalization program
    • Infor EAM administrator
      • Upgrade Infor EAM from 11.3 to 11.5 version
      • Webservice support
      • Bug fix support
      • Analyze scope & design solution
      • Supported teams responsible for solution / development and post development


  • Jun 2019 – Dec 2019 : IT Consultant at Toamasina University - Madagascar
    • Business cases identification on administration digitalization program
    • Functional / technical analysis
    • Server setup
      • Domaine controller / LDAP
      • Mail
      • Web
      • Shared folder
      • VPN


  • Jun 2015 –  Jan 2019: IT Business Analyst : Ambatovy Madagascar S.A., Information Technology  (IT) department, Toamasina :
    • Interface between Asset management, operation and Information Technology departments to find adequate solutions to improve the business process
    • Lead project of the solution to be implemented
    • Development of the solution using flex and PL/SQL
    • Continuous improvement on the business process
      • Tools to manage work permits for different areas of the company
      • Tools of work planning/scheduling
      • Tools for contractors' timesheets
      • Implementation of tools for rental and reservation calendar
      • Work order dynamisation
      • Repairable process
      • Maintenance strategy calendar and meter based
    • Functional / technical specification
    • Project documentation – Project one page – User guide – Testing document – User acceptation testing
    • End Users training  – Classroom training and online support cours using articulate storyline


  • Jun 2011 – Dec 2018: Web master Consultant: Omega web  in  France (+ 30 site webs)

o    Development of e-commerce using multiple CMS: Magento, SPIP, Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal


  • Jun 2011 – Jun 2015: Services Analyst Tier 2: Ambatovy Madagascar S.A., département Information Technologie (IT), Toamasina :

o   Interface between operation, financial, SCM and Information Technology department

o   Services and users support/troubleshooting

      • +3000 users accounts to support
      • +6000 IT equipment to support (toughbook, Laptop, desktop computer, telephone, Ip phone)
      • +300 Applications to support

o    Second level of network cabling support

o   Call center: +5 different nationalities


  • Oct 2010 – Jun 2011: Web project lead:  Armada
    • Supervision et projets management
    • Functional / technical specifications
    • Search for appropriate solutions on possible developer problems
    • Establishment of the necessary system security against vulnerabilities especially for SQL or SQLIA injections
  • Jun 2008 – Oct 2010: Web Developer : Softibox, e-Tech Consulting (+ 40 websites based on PHP)

o    Design and implementation of website database architectures (backOffice and front office)

Development of e-commerce websites using different CMS: Magento, SPIP, Joomla, wordpress, Drupal,…

  • Nov 2013 : Diplôme d’Etude Approfondie on Electronic discipline

University : Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique d’Antananarivo (ESPA) - MADAGASCAR

Speciality : Database access modeling

  • Mars 2007 : Electronic Engineer  at ESPA - MADAGASCAR

Speciality : Automatic electronics

  • Jul 2001: Baccalauréat série C at Ecole Saint Joseph Antsirabe - MADAGASCAR

Projets réalisés par r.ramahefy

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