Profil du prestataire willdev994

Informations générales sur le prestataire willdev994

Nickname : willdev994
Date inscription : 23/05/2019
Dernière fois en ligne : 01/01/2022
Classement : classé 1 538ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire willdev994

Domaines de compétence

l   MS-Windows (7, 8, 10) Unix OS (Ubuntu, Kali, MacOS) Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Photoshop, Dreamweaver.

l   Mastery programming language (C language, CSS3 HTML5, PHP, Java (SE, Android, EE), JavaScript, WLanguage, Visual Basic, Dart, Python, Ruby)

l   FrameWork consistent use: Bootstrap, Laravel, 6-angle, view, SpringBoot, Symfony, Java hipster, Flutter, Django, Ruby on Rails

l   Specialist in REST API implementation via Java, PHP, Python and Ruby

l   Integrated Development Environment and Text Editors: Qt,

Code block, Sublimetext3, Windev18 to 23, Visual Basic 2008 to 2015,

Eclipse, Android studio, IntellIJ, VisualStudio code, Netbeans.

l   Basic data management system: MySQL, HFSQL, SQL

Server, Maria database, Mongo database, Sybase, DB2, Progress, MS Access

l   Server configuration (server Windows 2008 R2 and 2012 R2, server

Nagios and Web, Debian ...)

l   Competence in the power of the electronic system

l   CMS mastered: Wordpress and Joomla

Expérience professionnelle

Febuary 2018 – June 2018 Natray Consulting Group – IST Manager    

Chief IT department responsible for the implementation of computer systems and software design for use in special audits


June 2018 – August 2018 Government – FullStack Developper    

Data structure design and administration of the database on an audit mission for the government


December 2017 –May 2018 Own – FullStack Developper            

Will-Software Designer who is a commercial management software and a Mobile application whose particularity is the consideration of payment means of money transfer (Mobile Money, Flooz Money)


January 2017 –December 2017 Own – FullStack Developper     

Setting up of Network and Server Configuration for some companies including POPHAMED Benin with Management Software installation


July 2016 – January 2017 Freelance – Bac-End Developper       

Participation in international web designs including and


April 2016 – july. 2016 Own – FullStack Developper        

Programmer Analyst at the Digital Solution Center (CSN Akpakpa)



Catholic University of West Africa 2016-2017

Bachelor's in Computer Science (HONS.) Degree Subject

l  Relevant modules: Software Engineering

l  Research project or dissertation: Connected pharmacy management system and mobile application design project allowing any individual to learn about the availability of different drugs 

National School of Applied Economics and Management 2014-2016

Higher Technician Certificate (HONS.) Degree Subject Relevant modules: Management Informatics

Research project or dissertation: Design and Implementation of a Registration Management Application and School Note Martin Luther King College Case


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