Profil du prestataire haitrieu0828

Informations générales sur le prestataire haitrieu0828

Nickname : haitrieu0828
Type de structure : freelance qualifié
Date inscription : 01/12/2014
Dernière fois en ligne : 08/06/2016
Classement : classé 28 094ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire haitrieu0828

Domaines de compétence

·         Language

o   java/j2me/j2ee, Javascript, Php4/5, xml, html, asp/aspx, xhtml, css, vb6/, pl/sql, t-sql

·         database

o   Oracle, MySQL, SQL Serveur

·         Methods

o   Merise, UML, méthode processus

·         Tools

o   netbean, eclipse, maven, svn, Tomcat, Apache, rational rose, visual studio 2005 / 2008, Wamp, Easyphp, dreamweaver

Expérience professionnelle

      2012 - now: project manager at Gameloft Viet Nam        

   07 2010 – 2012: Computer engineering and Development at ALTRAN TECHNO – France : 

v  Participate in the project RPVR – at BouyguesTelecom : BouyguesTelecom aims to offer its customers Bbox, the ability to schedule recordings on their decoder from an equipment connected to the internet or smartphone (iphone and android). To easy the programming of record, the client will find an environment similar to the interface the decoder TV.

v  This software consists of 4 parts :

§  The part of import and processing the stream XML of the EPG

§  The web service « WSIPTV wsRemotePVR ».

§  Web GUI

§  rPVR

v  Technical environment:

§  PHP5, ajax, jquery, Web service Java




·         2010 MASTER 2 SCM (Supply Chain Management) – ITIN FRANCE

·         2009 MASTER 1 GLE (Engineering of embedded computin) – ITIN FRANCE

Projets réalisés par haitrieu0828

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