Projet numéro 32382 : "REFERENT TECHNIQUE RESEAUX"

Initiateur du projet :
Description projet :
Vos missions :
- Be involved in many projects to determine the RUN: Network hub project, WIFI on-board improvement, backup/restore renewal solution, etc
- Implement and improve the monitoring tools in collaboration with the monitoring tools team
- Be a technical support for the front-office team in servers domains
- Analyze existing operations and schedule training sessions and meetings to discuss improvements
- Work in team with the other technical referents to bring back the PTO (Permit to Operation) process within S10
- Review the exploitation guides and work with the Service Operation Managers to update them
- Lead taskforces, major incidents resolution/crisis in collaboration with the team, the management and the other technical teams
- Lead COTECH with external providers, escalate if needed

Compétences :
- Technical skills on Networks & Telecoms (SDN, LAN, MAN, WAN, WIFI, etc)
- Knowledge of monitoring tools such as Centreon
- ITIL process and knowledge of ServiceNow
- The knowledge of a NOC (Network Operation Center) organisation
- Ability to communicate and write documents in French and English
- Good interpersonal skills
- Ability to speak and explain

Si cette mission vous correspond et vous intéresse, m’envoyer votre cv en précisant votre disponibilité et une fourchette de tarifs.
  • Le client: est une SSII spécialisée dans le placement des ressources humaines.
  • Durée indicative: 12 mois+
  • Tarif journalier indicatif: 400 €
  • Type de mission: Freelance en régie
  • Démarrage: Novembre
  • Lieu: 95 - 2j présentiel/3J TT


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