Référence portfolio
"Geo location based application to locate pharmacies "

Cette page présente un projet réalisé par l'un des prestataires affiliés à ProgOnline. Vous pouvez visualiser ci-dessous la description détaillée du projet, le budget, la durée de dévelopement ainsi que d'autres informations concernant son travail. Vous pouvez contacter ce prestaire en cliquant sur le bouton "Vous voulez la même chose?".

Nom du prestataire : prometteur

Date de mise à jour : 28/10/2017

Description de la référence portfolio : Translate the description into English using Google Translate? Translate Lisungui Pharma is an application that brings you a complete solution in the pharmaceutical field. In fact it helps you in the following areas: 1- Geo localization of pharmacies closest to your position: Lisungui gives you a perfect precision of the number of kilometers that separates you from pharmacies around you and gives you the fastest route to take to quickly reach the nearest pharmacy. 2- Pharmacy: Lisungui gives you the opportunity to know the pharmacies closest to you and the routes. 3- Know the price of products: With its search function, you just have to enter the name of the product and validate the search. In less than 3 seconds, you have the price of the product 4- Treatment monitoring: Lisungui gives you the opportunity to follow your treatment without forgetting. You have the opportunity to enter the product to take, time and days taken ... and it is responsible for making a timely reminder at the scheduled time. 5- Ordering and delivery of products: Lisungui also gives you the opportunity to order your products remotely and have you delivered in record time.

Type : applications

Thème : médical 

Budget du projet : 4 500 €

Durée indicative : quelques mois

URL : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lisungui.pharma&hl=en

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