Profil du prestataire urbansquid

Informations générales sur le prestataire urbansquid

Nickname : urbansquid
Type de structure : agence web
Date inscription : 16/06/2017
Dernière fois en ligne : 17/06/2021
Classement : classé 6 101ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire urbansquid

Domaines de compétence
We don’t believe in website templates. URBANSQUID doesn’t create or use predesigned templates we prefer to operate a different way, we meet with the clients and learn everything about the business and the website. Only then does the design and mockup process begins. We prefer to show you projects that we spent weeks or months designing and building, just like we will do with yours. The finished product will be greatly superior if
we build something dynamic that will evolve with you and the project, rather than a static design.

Our approach:
Start with the business objective
Design with passion and functionality
Usability determines the success
Develop cleanly with Responsive in mind
Test early and test often
Expérience professionnelle - Travel Agency Company designed from scratch. Portugal, Lisbon
Abokado - London based sushi and healthy fast food chain
La Rivier / SIG PLC - Jeu d'entreprise (Business Game) is a web app developed for the large roofing company SIG/La Riviere.
IINO REP - IINO Rep is a London based agency representing artists in the fields of Fashion, Beauty, Still Life and Fine Art photography.
Shelley Durkan - Shelley Durkan is a casting director, based in London, who works with major brands including Louis Vuitton, Hugo Boss, Vogue and Dunhill.
With roots in three different countries, the URBANSQUID team met by chance in London as we finished off our university degrees. As we became friends, our bi-lingual passion for all things web and design led to an ignition of ideas and dreams, becoming the foundation of our company. From working on ancient laptops and in parent’s garages, through hard work, determination and friendship, we turned URBANSQUID into the professional and spirited company it is today, with many clients from all over the world.
Our openness and combined skillsets allow us to be honest in our creativeness and build from scratch, individual and tailored websites for every client we work with. Our ethos to make non-generic products is deep-running
in all of us and we approach each project with passion and curiosity.

Projets réalisés par urbansquid

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