Profil du prestataire remybar

Informations générales sur le prestataire remybar

Nickname : remybar
Type de structure : travailleur occasionnel
Date inscription : 08/06/2018
Dernière fois en ligne : 23/02/2022
Classement : classé 14 784ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire remybar

Domaines de compétence
Compétences fonctionnelles et techniques:
- Architecture logicielle et modélisation
- Gestion d'exigences et écriture de spécification
- Développement de systèmes embarqués
- Développement orienté objet

Modelisation: UML, sysML, Design patterns
Langages: C, C++, Java, Python, Ada, scripts Shell, XML, HTML, SQL
Systèmes d'exploitation: Windows et Linux
Gestion de versions: CVS, SVN, Git, ClearCase
IHM & 3D: Qt, OpenGL, WxWidgets, MVC pattern
Concepts/Technologies: POSIX IPC, Multithreading, UDP/TCP Sockets, 2oo3 architecture

Langues: Français et Anglais
Expérience professionnelle

Alstom - Software Architect From 01-2018

Context: In the EVC-NG development context, I assume the role .

• Designing and maintaining the consistency of the whole EVC-NG Middleware architecture.
• Proposing ideas to improve our practices (continuous integration for example)
• Generating Software Requirements Specifications from model (ASAP/sysML)
• Participating to design reviews
• Discussing with System Team

Technical environment: Windows/Linux, ADA 2012, PTC IM, sysML, ClearCase/ClearQuest, Reqtify, Shell scripts, Python.

Alstom - Software Engineer From 06-2015

Context: I joined the GATC middleware team for developing new functionalities for the Alstom GATC product (EVC1 and EVC2).

• Writing architecture design (SwAD) from functional analysis (SwRS)
• Developing in ADA and compilation for EVC platforms (MPC860/MPC8321)
• Problem reports management and bug fixing
• Responsible of developing and maintaining the EVC simulator on PC (used for native tests before testing
on the target platform).
• Main development:
   ? Multi-configuration support with automatic boards reconfiguration (+/- 7000 lines of code)
   ? 3d-accelerometer calibration
   ? Peripheral board simulators inside the EVC simulator on PC

Technical environment: Windows, ADA 95, 2oo3 architecture, ClearCase/ClearQuest, Reqtify, Shell scripts, Python.

FN Herstal Software Engineer 03-2013 / 04-2015

Context: FN Herstal develops new Remote Weapon Stations. I joined the team responsible for developing the whole software of
these stations.

• Writing designs from functional analysis provided by FN Herstal.
• Coding in C and compilation for several platforms (X86 and ARM).
• Problem reports management and bug fixing
• Unit tests coding with cgreen framework
• Integration tests
• Validation tests
• Main developments :
• Modules communication mechanism using TCP/IP sockets
• Watchdog
• Integration of 2 new cameras
• Tool to validate all inputs/outputs of the control unit after production
• Target tracking integration
• HMI components

Technical environment: Kind of Service-Oriented Architecture, Linux, C, Shell scripts, OpenGL, cross development on ARM(IMX6) and X86(AMD), SVN, Redmine, Hudson

Break - Travel by bicycle -  South America 09-2011 / 12-2012

AW Europe Software Engineer 12-2009 / 09-2011

Context: The AW Europe traffic info team was responsible for adding traffic info management in some navigation systems (mainly
for Toyota).

• Writing designs about functionalities for traffic info management (TPEG/TMC).
• Coding in C and compilation for Windows (Simulator) and for ARM (Target).
• Problem reports management and correction
• Unit tests coding
• Problem investigation and tests on target
• Development of an encoding/decoding tool for TPEG data in Qt.

Technical environment: C, Shell script, Qt, cross development on ARM, SVN, TPEG, RDS-TMC

Break - Travel by bicycle -  South and Central Asia 10-2008 / 11-2009

Thalès/Airbus - Software Engineer 04-2007/09-2008

Context: Thalès developed the whole software of a new civil and military plane (FMA400M). I worked in the middleware team.


• Writing components requirements from high level specifications, using Thalès formalisms and processes.
• Design, code and test of component requirements (DO178B norme).
• Problem reports management and correction
• Automation of production processes by Shell scripts
• Reviews on requirements, design, code and test reports

Technical environment: DO178B, MACS2, UML, Ada, Doors, Shell script, cross development, Clearcase

SOPRA Group Software Engineer 03-2006/04-2007

Legrand - XL Pro – Designer & C++ Developer (6 months)

Context: Sopra Group was responsible for the maintenance and the evolution of the XL Pro application. I joined a small team of 2
persons to work on several evolutions.

• Formalization of functional needs explained by phone and validation with Legrand, to upgrade an electric
schemas drawing software (XL Pro).
• Proposal of technical solutions from functional specifications
• Design, development and test of choosen techninal solutions
• Bug reports management and correction

Technical environment: C++, XML, MFC, ATL, COM

CEA - Petawatt Laser – QT/C++ Developer (7 months)

Context: CEA needed a software to control the whole chain (engines, mirrors, spectrometers, ...) of its Petawatt Laser.

• Design & Development of HMI components in QT
• Development of HMI
• Development of modules to control equipments by RS232, GPIB or I/O card
• Development of equipment simulators for internal validation
• Tests with real equipments

Technical environment: UML, QT, C++, XML, RS232, GPIB, I/O

I2S Software Engineer 10-2004/08-2005

Rhodia - Acquisition of test tube images – Designer & Developer (3 months)

Context: Rhodia wanted to acquire flat images of test tubes and to apply some processing on them.

• Writing the functional specification with Rhodia
• Development of image processing, HMI and camera control
• Tests with a simulator
• Validation with Rhodia equipments

Technical environment: C++, VB, MIL (Matrox Imaging Library), Image acquisition and processing

i2S – Old book scanner software – Designer & C++ Developer (4 months)

Context: i2S designed a new A4 scanner for old books. I joined the software development team to develop the software part of
this new scanner.

• Design and development of a client/server architecture
• Development of the HMI
• Development of scanner services (image processing, camera control, files management, ...)
• Hardware support management in embedded Linux distribution based on Debian

Technical environment: Embedded Linux, Image processing, UML, C++, WxWidgets, TCP/IP

SMTC – People counting by Vision - Designer & C++ Developer (4 months)

Context: i2S and SMTC wanted to develop a proof of concept of a system to count (and to classify if possible) people in a bus station, using 2 cameras.

• Design of a software based on internship results (about detecting, tracking and counting people by
• Development of a HMI in VB
• Development of image processing and analysis in C++
• Test campaigns in fictive and in real situations

Technical environment: C++, VB, Image acquiring and processing


DEA Traitement d'images - Applications médicales - ISIMA Clermont-Ferrand - 2004

Ingénieur Génie Logiciel et Systèmes - ISIMA Clermont-Ferrand - 2001/2004

DUT Génie Logiciel - IUT Bayonne - 1999/2001

Projets réalisés par remybar

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