Profil du prestataire cisin.arnold

Informations générales sur le prestataire cisin.arnold

Nickname : cisin.arnold
Type de structure : agence web
Date inscription : 27/12/2013
Dernière fois en ligne : 19/09/2018
Classement : classé 30 867ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Tags compétences


Profil détaillé du prestataire cisin.arnold

Domaines de compétence

Our Development Services:

Mobile Application Development (iPhone, iPAD, Android, Windows, PhoneGap)

Website Design (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, HTML5, CSS3, MoovWeb)

Website Development (Magento, ROR, Drupal, PHP, Codeigniter, WordPress, Python, Django, CakePHP, Zend, ASP.Net and more)

Search Engine Optimization

Desktop Application Development (Java, .Net)

Database Development (SQL, MYSQL, Oracle and more)

Designing and developing quality, scalable .NET based applications

Development of web services using .NET framework, SOAP

Application Modernization for legacy systems to .NET based applications

Managed application upgrades, patches, support

RAD development using MOSS, SharePoint, DotNetNuke, Umbraco and Nop commerce

Application development for, MS Dynamics CRM and other Hosted applications

Expérience professionnelle

Mobile Application Development (iPhone, iPAD, Android, Windows, PhoneGap)

Website Design (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, HTML5, CSS3, MoovWeb)

Website Development (Magento, ROR, Drupal, PHP, Codeigniter, WordPress, Python, Django, CakePHP, Zend, ASP.Net and more)

Search Engine Optimization

Desktop Application Development (Java, .Net)

Database Development (SQL, MYSQL, Oracle and more)

Designing and developing quality, scalable .NET based applications

Development of web services using .NET framework, SOAP

Application Modernization for legacy systems to .NET based applications

Managed application upgrades, patches, support

RAD development using MOSS, SharePoint, DotNetNuke, Umbraco and Nop commerce

Application development for, MS Dynamics CRM and other Hosted applications


We are Microsoft Certified Partner, a Faster Growing Software Company, which provides you maximized benefits with cost savings.

Projets réalisés par cisin.arnold

Portfolio en ligne du prestataire 'cisin.arnold'

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